Spacebuild Enhancement Pack



Sbep fighter power module

Entity: All In One Fighter Module
Usage: As a control module for the SpaceBuild gamemode.
Instruction: Tap the Module against a vehicle to get info from it.

Sbep assaultpodhangar

Entity: Assault Pod Bay
Usage: Auto-generates assault pods for you to escape/board ships with.
Instruction: Enter pod, press "Launch" (default SPACEBAR) to eject.

Sbep door1

Entity: Blast Door 1
Usage: Smallbridge Door for various uses.
Instruction: Once spawned, you can either hit E to open and close, or go advanced by wiring a connection to it to open, lock, or disable the Use button.

Sbep door2

Entity: Blast Door 2
Usage: Smallbridge Door for various uses.
Instruction: Once spawned, you can either hit E to open and close, or go advanced by wiring a connection to it to open, lock, or disable the Use button.

Sbep largeclamp

Entity: Docking Clamp
Usage: Docks one fighter or scripted ship.
Instruction: Fly into it and cut your engines to auto-dock. To exit, enter the vehicle and restart your engines.

Sbep Tdock

Entity: Docking Clamp T
Usage: Docks two fighters or scripted ships.
Instruction: Fly into it and cut your engines to auto-dock. To exit, enter the vehicle and restart your engines.

Sbep Xdock

Entity: Docking Clamp X
Usage: Docks two fighters or scripted ships.
Instruction: Fly into it and cut your engines to auto-dock. To exit, enter the vehicle and restart your engines.

Sbep ejectorpoint

Entity: Ejector Seat Launcher
Usage: Ejects a player from his vehicle.
Instruction: Tap the Seat Launcher against a vehicle. Once you do this it has inputs of launch and velocity. When it receives an input of launch it will launch the player in a drop pod the direction that the Launcher is facing. Velocity sets the speed of the drop pod. If there is no input to velocity then it will launch at a default velocity.

Sbep swordhangar large

Entity: Large SWORD Hangar
Usage: Docks four fighters or scripted ships.
Instruction: Fly into it and cut your engines to auto-dock. To exit, enter the vehicle and restart your engines.

Sbep policewing large

Entity: Police Wings (all)
Usage: Flashes blue and red, just like a Police Officer's car lights.
Instruction: Wire up the "On" input to a wire output (pod controller, numpad input, etc) and you're good to go.

Sbep swordhangar

Entity: SWORD Hangar
Usage: Docks two fighters or scripted ships.
Instruction: Fly into it and cut your engines to auto-dock. To exit, enter the vehicle and restart your engines.

Sbep sideassaultpod

Entity: Side Assault Pod Bay
Usage: Generates and launches assault pods out the side
Instruction: Enter pod, press SPACEBAR to launch.

Sbep spacioushangar

Entity: Spacious SWORD Hangar
Usage: Docks two fighters or scripted ships.
Instruction: Fly into it and cut your engines to auto-dock. To exit, enter the vehicle and restart your engines.

A note for all hangars: Apart from the standard docking, there are wire inputs for all hangars. They are: Eject, Disable and Launchspeed. Eject ejects a vehicle(just like turning it on) with the option of setting the launch speed by wiring LaunchSpeed. Disable prevents any ship from docking in a hangar or clamp. The actual inputs may have names such as DisableLeft or EjectBottomRight, which are specific to the stated side/location.

Sbep tanktread

Entity: Tank Tread Loop
Usage: It's a tank tread.
Instruction: Weld and Parent it to a prop. When the prop moves, the treads will turn. The wire inputs are as follows: MoveSpeed, HeightOffset, TrackLength, SegWidth, SegHeight, SegLength, Radius, and Model. MoveSpeed is the movement speed of the track, HeightOffset sets the track's distance from the ground, TrackLength affects the lengthf the track, Seg Width, Height, and Length set the size of each individual segment of the track, Radius sets the radius of the track, and Model sets the model at the center of the track.


Entity: Elevators
Usage: Try and guess.
Instruction: Tap a shaft to the Bottom or Top to make an elevator. then use the lift STool to make a small elevator( you'll probably want it to no collide with all the elevator parts). Then Set the lift ghosts at the appropriate areas.(you can guess, you're smart enough.) Note that you can use the Skin Twitcher STool to change the skin.

Sbep exitpoint

Entity: Vehicle Exit Point
Usage: Exactly what it says on the box. An exit point for your vehicles.
Instruction: Tap it to a vehicle, and it becomes it's exit point.

Entity: Micro Drone/Ship Controller
Usage: Micro Drones are squad-forming Programmable NPCs. Ship Controllers drive ships by themselves.

Entity: Drop Pod Bay

Usage: Spawn drop pods by pressing E. When inside, escape by pressing R
